Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ians garden

Ian has enjoyed taking care of a garden this year with the help of his mother. Lets just say here are some of the fruits of his labors. We have eaten, peas, potatoes, mint, asparagus, squash, basil, pumpkins, strawberries, and cucumbers. What a feast.


Marium said...

Yes, I hope the rest of the family starts one up too. It's a great way to see the family through the year since we're so far away.

Barbara Vaughn said...

Boyd Hi remember me Barbara Vaughn it was Schell when I lived across the street from your family in Pierce city. James and Keisha an Natasha's mom your moms friend.Your mom sent blog of your little sis Marium and you. You look like Sam such a handsome young man and a lovely family you have.You have done quite well, you have a beautiful wife an kids.Tell the other kids hello I would love to see alls families,Kent, Clark,Melonie, ect ect all of you.Keisha has 1 son and James has 2 sons and 1 daughter Natasha has 2 sons and expecting a daughter in may, an Justin has 2 daughters.I live in Spavinaw Ok now. God Bless your family in the new year. Barbara